RotoGen Music Box Play Panel

Product No. FIPTMBXRG6

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Product Features

  • RotoGen human powered energy
  • Plays street organ style music
  • Turn the rotor and playback starts automatically
  • Ultra-reliable, commercial grade electronics
  • 3 year electronics guarantee
  • Posts also available

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    Product description

    Listen to some organ style music through our RotoGen Music Box Play Panel. The panel plays old fashioned, organ grinder style music as the motor is turned. Gather your friends for a dance along!

    Featuring human powered kinetic energy dynamo, which has an intelligent power monitoring system to check and protect the power input, playback and battery protection. The electronics are ultra-reliable, protected by a water and tamper resistant cover, while the electronic components are covered by a three year guarantee.

    Order Code

    Blue/Black main panel, Brown/Beige insert with White/Black frame and Grey rotor

    800x595mm RotoGen Music Box Play Panel
    1200x800mm RotoGen Music Box Play Panel

    information sheet


    You must specify the colour option you require at the time of order if it is different from the standard colour listed with the order code (above), otherwise you will receive the standard colour.

    Please note:

    All customers' requirements are subject to availability at the time of order.

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