Rock Band Drum Kit with Alu Posts


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Product Features

  • Great sound
  • Shatter and crack-proof HDPE drum tops
  • Play with mallets / beaters
  • Shatter and crack-proof HDPE drum bodies
  • Big Bass Drum
  • 5 different Tom Toms
  • 2 Cymbals
  • Stool

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    Product description

    Step into the spotlight with the Rock Band Drum Kit!

    Step into the spotlight with the Rock Band Drum Kit! A part of our new Rock Band Product Range, the Rock Band Drum Kit features: a large bass drum, 5 tom toms, 2 cymbals and a stool. The Rock Band Drum Kit is a great addition to your musical play selection, and these full size drums offer a great sound. Fahr drums are constructed with HDPE drum tubes caps, which make them extremely durable against impact damage and mis-use, and because they are HDPE, there is no paint to chip or wear away. The drums are 100% recyclable.

    Order Code

    Black drum bodies, with Red, Yellow, Orange, Green and Blue tops. White/Black HDPE panel constructions with Alu Posts

    Rock Band Drum Kit with Alu Posts

    information sheet


    You must specify the colour option you require at the time of order if it is different from the standard colour listed with the order code (above), otherwise you will receive the standard colour.

    Please note:

    All customers' requirements are subject to availability at the time of order.

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