3 Slider Bells Circular Musical Insert


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Product Features

  • Install into your own panel
  • Can be replaced with any other standard circular insert
  • HDPE insert construction
  • Stainless steel bells
  • Good sound quality
  • Sliding bell strikers

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    Product description

    Hear the bells! Constructed from HDPE this panel insert is designed to mount to your own panels, fences and play structures to easily add great music to new and existing play areas. Our new circular musical inserts are interchangeable, providing greater flexibility to adjust your setup configuration.

    The bells have a rich sound that will accompany other musical instruments in our musical panels range. With three different brushed stainless steel bell sizes, you can ring the Bells using the built-in sliding strikers, so no mallets are required.

    Order Code

    White/Black panel with 3 stainless steel bells and red, blue and yellow sliders

    3 Slider Bells Circular Musical Insert

    information sheet


    You must specify the colour option you require at the time of order if it is different from the standard colour listed with the order code (above), otherwise you will receive the standard colour.

    Please note:

    All customers' requirements are subject to availability at the time of order.

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